New courses at the Art House

Classes for Autumn 2023 are now full, but please get in touch with me if you would like to come to sessions in 2024.

email is best

Painting courses 2023

Watercolour Painting and a weekend of mixed media painting

Yellow studio, Art House, South Brent

I am offering two watercolour classes in early 2023. Both will be on Thursday afternoons between 2pm and 5 pm.

The first class starts in January and is for those with little or no experience of painting with watercolours.

‘New to watercolour’

Jan 5th, 19th & 26th

Feb 2nd & 9th

The second, in March, is for those who have some experience of watercolour painting. You may have attended one of my sessions in 2022, ( but this isn’t necessary).

Each set of five workshops is £75. A £10 deposit secures your place.

‘Creative Watercolour’

March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th

Each set of five workshops is £75. A £10 deposit secures your place.

New to watercolour’

We will start with the basics of trying out the paints and brushes, and seeing what happens! Techniques will include: making preliminary washes, working wet into wet, using dry brush strokes, colour mixing, composition tips and ideas, combining with crayons and inks

There will be plenty of opportunity to try out a range of watercolour marks e.g. smudges, dots, lines, blots, soft edges, hard edges and so on.

Creative watercolour’

We will inevitably keep revising the ‘basics’ and additionally will push techniques a little further.

How can we create a successful composition with beautiful washes and very little detail? How can we combine other mediums with watercolour? What makes a good composition?

When is it time to say ‘it’s finished’ ?

Expressive Landscape

Sat 4th, Sun 5th March

Cost £150

£20 deposit secures your place

suitable for: those that have some previous experience of painting and who are able to carry their equipment on uneven paths for half a mile or so.

This weekend is an opportunity to experiment by using a range of techniques to capture our experience of the landscape.

Weather permitting , on the Saturday morning, we will go outside for a while. We will draw, take photos and make notes. Most of the time we will be in the studio.

Techniques include:

quick sketches with loose marks

building up layers

taking off wet paint…and repainting.

Scratching into the surface,

Using different mark making materials, e.g. crayon and ink.

We will consider composition, tonal range and working with a limited palette.

Basic materials include acrylic paints, pencils, crayons, Sketchbook and a packed lunch.

I will send full details about materials nearer the time.

maximum of 8 participants for all workshops/courses

Please get in touch if you have any questions

I will send a list of materials once you have booked your place

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

07986 326406

Stepping out into the Landscape - weekend course

A weekend of drawing and painting inspired by the moorland near South Brent.

Friday 22nd April 7-9pm, Saturday 23rd April 10-4pm, Sunday24th April 10-4pm

cost £120

Based at the Art House, South Brent

This is a landscape painting course in mixed media. We will use a variety of mark-makers e.g. pencils, charcoal, pastels, graphite sticks and painting in acrylics.

The aim is to gain confidence in working outside by using different techniques to get to. Know the landscape and to find out what really inspires us. We will then develop some of these ideas back in the studio.

By Sunday afternoon you will have a collection of drawings and paintings from quick ‘sketches’, experimental marks, and paintings in progress.

All levels of experience are welcome, but a certain level of fitness is essential. You must be able to walk along the rough track (from Peek Moor Gate) carrying a backpack containing your art materials.

Contact me for more information.

07986 326406

Devon Open Studios

I will be exhibiting as part of the Art House Group in Devon Open Studios 2021 for three weekends in September - 11/12, 18/19 & 25/26.

Ten diverse artists exhibiting at this wonderful new Arts venue in South Brent. More news to follow.

at updated

The long days of lockdown have spurred me into finally updating this website.

If you would like any more information about any of my work please get in touch

07986 326406

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