Stepping out into the Landscape - weekend course

A weekend of drawing and painting inspired by the moorland near South Brent.

Friday 22nd April 7-9pm, Saturday 23rd April 10-4pm, Sunday24th April 10-4pm

cost £120

Based at the Art House, South Brent

This is a landscape painting course in mixed media. We will use a variety of mark-makers e.g. pencils, charcoal, pastels, graphite sticks and painting in acrylics.

The aim is to gain confidence in working outside by using different techniques to get to. Know the landscape and to find out what really inspires us. We will then develop some of these ideas back in the studio.

By Sunday afternoon you will have a collection of drawings and paintings from quick ‘sketches’, experimental marks, and paintings in progress.

All levels of experience are welcome, but a certain level of fitness is essential. You must be able to walk along the rough track (from Peek Moor Gate) carrying a backpack containing your art materials.

Contact me for more information.

07986 326406